What a February!
The Canyon Road had quite the busy February – we knocked out 6 different shoots in just 28 days! We worked in Los Angeles, Malibu, Berkeley, and San Diego, as well as produced remotely in Stuart, FL and Atlanta, GA. We made some magic with amazing humans (and amazing animals)! Whether it was on a…
What a February!
March 21, 2022
The Canyon Road had quite the busy February - we knocked out 6 different shoots in just 28 days!
We worked in Los Angeles, Malibu, Berkeley, and San Diego, as well as produced remotely in Stuart, FL and Atlanta, GA.
We made some magic with amazing humans (and amazing animals)!
Whether it was on a mountaintop or in a lake, on a stage or in a house, or even in a gym-turned-photo studio, we got the job done... and had a lot of fun along the way!
Stay tuned to see what we shot!

Processed with VSCO with au5 preset